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Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 11:41 am
by FettShadow
Table of Contents
    1. A. Eligibility
    2. B. Approval Process for New Members
    3. C. Existing Members
    4. D. Membership ID Numbers
    5. E. Forum
    6. F. Costume Submissions for Existing Members
    1. A. Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO)
    2. B. Detachment Executive Officer (DXO)
    3. C. Detachment Captain of the Guard (DCOG)
    4. D. Detachment Membership Liaison (DML)
    5. E. Detachment Event Coordinator (DEC)
    6. F. Detachment Public Relations Officer (DPRO)
    7. G. Detachment Social Media Officer (DSMO)
    8. H. Detachment Merchandise and Branding Officer (DMBO)
    9. I. Detachment Charity Representative (DCR)
    10. J. Detachment Web Liaison (DWL)
    1. A. Copyright
    2. B. General
    1. A. General
    2. B. Merchandise Projects
    1. A. General
    2. B. Professionalism
    3. C. Event Safety
    4. D. Props, Prop Weapons and Poses
    5. E. Event Logistics
    6. F. Event Changing Areas
    7. G. Event Planning
    8. H. Lucasfilm Ltd. Guidelines and Member Restrictions
    9. I. Guests of Members
    10. J. Cooperative Events
    11. K. Fundraising
    12. L. Forums and Social Media
    13. M. Information Dissemination
    14. N. Costuming
    1. A. Violations
    2. B. Appeal Process

The name of this organization is Defenders Detachment.

The Defenders Detachment is a Star Wars costuming organization comprised of fans currently or formerly serving as police officers, firefighters, military personnel and first responders, of fans currently serving as civil servants and in other related professional fields, and of spouses of Defenders Detachment members.
The Defenders Detachment helps raise funds and bring awareness to causes which support our communities, promoting interest in Star Wars through our endeavors.
Members of the Defenders Detachment are part of a global Star Wars community, and are honored to count ourselves amongst the fan organizations recognized by Lucasfilm Ltd.
We pride ourselves in uniting as the backbone of the Star Wars community, and strive to be the galaxy's finest.

The Defenders Detachment operates in North America, Europe and Asia.

  1. Eligibility
    The Defenders Detachment is a non-discriminatory private organization. The Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) has the sole right to deny, suspend or revoke membership, to require and define acceptable related eligibility documentation as the DCO deems appropriate, to deny or require changes to costumes submitted to the Defenders Detachment, to specify which costumes are to be included in the Defenders Detachment and to oversee the membership approval processes conducted by the Detachment Membership Liaisons (DMLs).
    Meeting eligibility requirements does not necessarily guarantee membership, and applicants are subject to review and approval by the DCO.
    Applicants are expected to be cooperative and respectful to Defenders Detachment staff during their application process, and information requested by the DCO must be provided. The DCO has the sole right to deny and terminate membership applications if an applicant's conduct does not meet this expectation or does not align with the mission and bylaws of the Defenders Detachment at the discretion of the DCO.
    To be eligible to join the Defenders Detachment, applicants must be over the age of 18 without a legal guardian, have a valid email address and be currently working as or retired as police officers, firefighters, military personnel or first responders OR are currently working as civil servants or in other related professional fields OR are spouses of current members. Due to the varying types of positions which may be considered to be civil servants in the Defenders Detachment territories, applications in this eligibility category shall be reviewed by the DCO with consideration to their relation to the police, fire, military and first responder fields. Those who have separated from eligible employment prior to retirement may be approved at the discretion of the DCO.
    Eligible applicants may apply to be a member in the following categories:
    1. A costuming member who owns a costume from Star Wars which has been approved by a Lucasfilm Ltd.-recognized Star Wars costuming organization which requires quality and accuracy standards be met, or which meets quality and accuracy standards set forth by the Defenders Detachment.
    2. A droid-handling member who owns a droid from Star Wars of proper scale that can be worn, mobilized or otherwise displayed at events which has been approved by a Lucasfilm Ltd.-recognized Star Wars costuming or droid building organization which requires quality and standards be met, or which meets quality and accuracy standards set forth by the Defenders Detachment.
    3. A supporting member, known within the Defenders Detachment as "Detachment Support Crew" who aids the Defenders Detachment as an event helper, photographer, videographer or in other organizational matters. Supporting members may also costume or handle droids, but must meet other set forth requirements and standards as listed in Article IV., A., 1 and 2.
  2. Approval Process for New Members
    1. If you meet the eligibility requirements as indicated in Article IV., Section A., please contact the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) via email at the address below:
      (DCO) Matthew Cohen [email protected]
      Please include the following information in your request:
      1. Whether you are applying as a costumed member, a droid handler or a member of the Detachment Support Crew.
      2. The name of agency or department where you or your spouse currently serve or have formerly served. If former service applies, indicate the circumstances for leaving service, such as having retired, terminated employment, moved to private sector, etc.
      3. The name(s) of any costume or fan organization(s) which you are or have been affiliated with as a member or helper, and your member or roster name within those organization(s).
      4. Any costumes or droids you own which you would like to submit to the Defenders Detachment for approval. Please indicate whether they have been approved by other organization(s) and under which organization(s) they have been approved.
      5. Whether any current or former conduct charges have been brought against you or are pending within other costume or fan organization(s) including a brief description of the charges.
      The DCO will review your request for completion and forward your request to a Detachment Membership Liaison (DML) for further processing and/or follow up with you regarding any further necessary steps.
      NOTE: If you are an existing member or have already applied, please do not reapply unless you have been directed to do so by the DCO or the DML. Existing members who would like to submit new costumes to the Defenders Detachment are directed to follow instructions in Article IV, F.
      The Defenders Detachment is a private organization, and may include but reserves the right to expand beyond or limit from those costumes known to be included in other Star Wars costuming organizations at the discretion of the DCO.
    2. Applicants are subject to a review process, which includes, but is not limited to a review and confirmation of the information provided in the membership request. The DCO may implement additional applicant review at the DCO's discretion, which may include but is not limited to a peer review amongst fellow costuming organizations and fan groups. Membership may be
      revoked after approval is granted if applicants are found to have falsified information provided to Defenders Detachment officials or been untruthful during organizational interactions and activities.
  3. Existing Members
    1. Membership for those who were already part of the Defenders Detachment prior to it becoming an independent private organization on April 8, 2023 are considered granted as existing memberships.
    2. Existing members can terminate their membership by notifying the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO).
    3. Existing members are subject to the Defenders Detachment bylaws.
    4. The DCO has the sole right to deny, suspend or revoke membership, to require and define acceptable related membership eligibility documentation as the DCO deems appropriate and to review the Defenders Detachment's roster of member costumes to ensure proper condition of costumes and droids as per these bylaws.
    5. Existing members are expected to be cooperative and respectful to Defenders Detachment staff during all communications, which may include a retroactive review and confirmation of their eligibility and/or costume(s) condition, and any information requested by the DCO must be provided. The DCO has the sole right to deny and terminate membership applications if an
      applicant's conduct does not meet this expectation or does not align with the mission and bylaws of the Defenders Detachment at the discretion of the DCO.
  4. Membership ID Numbers
    Members of the Defenders Detachment shall be assigned a unique membership ID number preceded by "DD" for "Defenders Detachment" under the following guidelines:
    1. New or existing Defenders Detachment members who have been assigned a numeric ID with an outside organization may choose to keep their outside organizational ID number.
      For example, a member with the 501st Legion ID of "TK-10835" will be assigned as "DD-10835" within the Defenders Detachment.
      Those members who do not wish to use their existing outside organization number are given the option to select a new six digit number for the Defenders Detachment, choosing from available numbers starting at 100000.
    2. New or existing Defenders Detachment members who do not have a numerical ID within another organization shall select a six digit number from the available Defenders Detachment numbers starting at 100000.
    3. In the instance where Defenders Detachment members have been assigned a numeric ID with an outside organization (which may possibly be shared numbers utilized by different organizations) and wish to keep that same ID number but it has already been selected by another Defenders Detachment member, they may utilize the same ID number but must add a differentiating "-0" to their Defenders Detachment ID. For example, if a member with the 501st Legion ID of "TK-39580" joins the Defenders Detachment, and a Defenders Detachment member has already
      selected "DD-39580" as their ID, the new member may opt to have "DD39580-0" as their Defenders Detachment ID.
    4. Detachment Membership Liaisons shall assist members with selecting their
      numerical ID.
  5. Forum
    Upon membership approval, members can join the Defenders Detachment membership forum at the link here:
    After registering, the Detachment Web Liaison (DWL) will approve your request to join the Defenders Detachment forum. Forum use is subject to Article VIII., Code of Conduct.
  6. Costume Submissions for Existing Members
    1. The Defenders Detachment is a private organization, and may include but reserves the right to expand beyond or limit from those costumes known to be included in other Star Wars costuming organizations at the discretion of the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO).
    2. The DCO has the sole right to specify which costumes are to be included in the Defenders Detachment.
    3. Existing members who wish to submit new costumes to the Defenders Detachment may contact a Detachment Membership Liaison (DML) at the address below:
      Attention: DML [email protected]
      Please include the following information in your request:
      1. Your name and Defenders Detachment ID number.
      2. The specific name or type of costume you wish to submit. If there are variants to your costume, please include which version you are submitting.
      3. Please do not forward submission photos on your initial request. A DML will respond to your request with instructions regarding submission of photos.
    4. If your costume is not eligible for the Defenders Detachment, the DML will
      advise you.
    1. Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO)
      The Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) is the overall head of the organization and oversees its operations, has the sole right to deny, suspend or revoke membership and oversees the membership approval processes conducted by the Detachment Membership Liaison(s).
      The DCO performs the following duties:
      1. Serves as the primary steward for members of the Defenders Detachment, and intercedes on behalf of members in matters of internal and external interference and conduct matters.
      2. Oversees matters involving outside parties and organizations.
      3. Appoints Detachment command staff, makes any changes in command staff and oversees the activities of officers assigned to those posts.
      4. Oversees the membership approval process and monitors ongoing membership eligibility.
      5. Makes final approval decisions on merchandising before requests are forwarded to Lucasfilm Ltd.
      6. Makes final decisions on disciplinary actions involving members if the Lead Detachment Captain of the Guard is unable to directly handle an incident or complaint, reporting any findings of misconduct to Lucasfilm Ltd., and in instances where discipline matters cannot be directly handled by the Defenders Detachment due to the severity, reports such incidents to Lucasfilm Ltd.
      7. Works with the Detachment Merchandise and Branding Officer(s) to properly record details of merchandise creation and sales.
      8. Works with the Detachment Charity Representative to properly record funds collected for charities.
      9. Serves the Defenders Detachment by ensuring organizational activities remain within the mission and bylaws of the Defenders Detachment.
      10. Approves Detachment bylaws, policies, internet content and all other related content and organizational processes and has the authority to supervise all Defenders Detachment activities and to act and intercede in the best interests of the organization and its members.
      11. Specifies which costumes are to be included in the Defenders Detachment.
      12. Forwards any known concerns regarding member conduct to the Detachment Captain of the Guards (DCOGs) for review.
    2. B. Detachment Executive Officer (DXO)
      The Detachment Executive Officer (DXO) serves as the second in command of the organization. The DXO reports to the DCO. The DXO:
      1. Serves as the secondary steward for members of the Defenders Detachment.
      2. Supports the DCO by performing any duty in service of the Defenders Detachment that the DCO delegates to the DXO.
      3. Acts as a support to the DCO as an additional reviewer in Defenders Detachment disciplinary matters if a decision cannot be reached by the Detachment Captain of the Guards (DCOGs).
      4. Forwards any known concerns regarding member conduct to the DCOGs for review.
    3. C. Detachment Captain of the Guard (DCOG)
      All complaints involving members or matters of misconduct will be handled by the Detachment Captain of the Guards (DCOG or DCOGs). DCOG shall be appointed or removed by the current DCO. DCO will appoint one Lead Captain of the Guard and regular Captain of the Guards of his choice. In all instances where DCOGs are aware of conduct concerns, whether reported to them or observed, the DCOGs must take action. The DCOGs report to the Lead Captain of the Guard and the Lead Captain of the Guard reports to the DCO and the DXO.
    4. D. Detachment Membership Liaison (DML)
      The Detachment Membership Liaison (DML) processes membership requests, ensures applications are complete, determines eligibility and maintains membership records. The DML reviews costume submissions for accuracy and completion and aids members and applicants through the submission and application processes. The DML aids members in the process of selecting their ID number. The DML forwards any known concerns regarding member conduct to the DCOGs for review. The DML reports to the DCO and the DXO.
    5. E. Detachment Senior Event Coordinator (DSEC)
      The Detachment Senior Event Coordinator (DSEC) oversees the organization and running of the Detachment Event Coordinators (DEC) who then processes event requests, ensuring activities are within Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines and are within the Defenders Detachment mission and bylaws. Any event requests that come from Lucasfilm Ltd. will be processed by the DSEC to the DEC of that perspective region.

      Detachment Event Coordinators (DEC): The DEC supports Detachment members with their event planning. The DEC forwards any known concerns regarding member conduct to the DCOGs for review. The DEC reports to the DSEC, who reports to the DCO and the DXO.
      There are several DEC positions, and a DEC can be assigned to any regional best suited for their location:
      1. North America West Coast
      2. North America Mid-West
      3. North America East Coast
      4. United Kingdom and Europe
      5. Canada territories
      6. Mexico and America
      7. Australia territories
      8. Hong Kong and Asian Territories
      ( list subject to change)
    6. F. Detachment Public Relations Officer (DPRO)
      The Detachment Public Relations Officer (DPRO) serves as the Detachment's primary point of contact with the public and outside parties, including other Star Wars costuming and fan organizations. The DPRO reports to the DCO and the DXO. The DPRO:
      1. Assists the Detachment Social Media Officer (DSMO) with matters involving Detachment publications and multimedia productions.
      2. Prepares the quarterly Detachment publication which highlights Detachment events for the quarter and distributes publication to Detachment members through email and/or social media.
      3. Serves as the Detachment's primary point of contact for celebrities and VIPs.
      4. Forwards any known concerns regarding member conduct to the DCOGs for review.
    7. G. Detachment Social Media Officer (DSMO)
      The Detachment Social Media Officer (DSMO) promotes the Detachment through social media platforms, sharing news, photographs and/or videos and highlighting the Detachment members' activities. The DSMO forwards any known concerns regarding member conduct to the DCOGs for review. The DSMO reports to the DCO and the DXO.
    8. H. Detachment Merchandise and Branding Officer (DMBO)
      The Detachment Merchandise and Branding Officer (DMBO) processes proposals for merchandise projects, submits requests to the DCO for review and maintains records of merchandise projects, sales and moneys, reporting donation financial records to the DCR. The DMBO forwards any known concerns regarding member conduct to the DCOGs for review. The DMBO reports to the DCO and the DXO.
    9. I. Detachment Charity Representative (DCR)
      The Detachment Charity Representative (DCR) keeps records of all donations received and collected. The DCR will submit donation records to the DCO or Lucasfilm Ltd. upon request. The DCR forwards any known concerns regarding member conduct to the DCOGs for review. The DCR reports to the DCO and the DXO.
    10. J. Detachment Web Liaison (DWL)
      The Detachment Web Liaison (DWL) conducts maintenance and performs updates on the main website and membership forum, and processes requests to join the membership forum. The DWL forwards any known concerns regarding member conduct to the DCOGs for review. The DWL reports to the DCO and the DXO.
    1. Copyright
      The Defenders Detachment operates with the understanding that the members have no claim to the copyright and intellectual property of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or The Walt Disney Company, with exception of the privileges authorized to Defenders Detachment by Lucasfilm Ltd.
    2. General
      1. Members participating in Defenders Detachment events are representing Defenders Detachment, and their membership is contingent upon their conduct reflecting its mission, bylaws and policies.
      2. Members representing Defenders Detachment shall use their costumes and droids only as specified within the Defenders Detachment bylaws and policies, shall conduct themselves appropriately and in compliance with applicable laws during Defenders Detachment events, related
        communications and activities, and shall act as good stewards of Defenders Detachment with respect to its mission and reputation.
      3. While representing Defenders Detachment, members shall not use their costumes, droids, Defenders Detachment merchandise, Star Wars merchandise or intellectual or copyrighted material of Lucasfilm Ltd. to promote, act on behalf of or act as a spokesperson for other brands, companies, etc. outside of those directly related to event(s) and as specified in event instructions.
      4. Members of Defenders Detachment may participate in interviews or recordings as representatives of Defenders Detachment, shall act as good stewards of Defenders Detachment with respect to its mission, reputation and bylaws during such activities and shall inform the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) if such activities take place. The DCO has the right to take measures to prevent publication of interviews or recordings at his discretion as per his duty as primary steward of the organization.
      1. General
        1. Members of the Defenders Detachment are advised that Star Wars is a copyrighted property and the intellectual property of Lucasfilm Ltd.
        2. Members of the Defenders Detachment are advised that the Detachment and its members have no claim to the copyright and intellectual property of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or The Walt Disney Company with exception of the privileges authorized to the Defenders Detachment by Lucasfilm Ltd.
        3. The term "merchandise" utilized in these bylaws refers to merchandise and promotional items, including but not limited to shirts, coins, hats, patches, buttons, stickers, business cards, trading cards, banners, flyers and photographs.
        4. Sale of merchandise shall be limited to members of the Defenders Detachment unless otherwise authorized and shall be sold at near cost, with all surplus funds collected being donated directly to charity as specified by Defenders Detachment. Charity donation promotions which accompany member merchandise sales projects are permitted with authorization, following guidelines as expressed in Article VII., Item A.
      2. Merchandise Projects
        1. Members are advised that Defenders Detachment and Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines regarding merchandise are subject to change.
        2. The Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) shall make merchandise guidelines available to the members.
        3. Members interested in creating merchandise should familiarize themselves with the merchandise guidelines, and are encouraged to contact the Detachment Merchandise and Branding Officer (DMBO) prior to beginning or commissioning Detachment merchandise projects in order to ensure adherence to guidelines.
        4. Defenders Detachment merchandise projects require authorization. Proposals for merchandise projects shall be submitted to the DMBO. Upon receipt, the DMBO shall then submit the proposals to the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) for review. Upon approval by the DCO, the proposal shall then be sent to Lucasfilm Ltd. for review. Once approved by Lucasfilm Ltd., production will begin.
        5. All merchandise records will be kept by DMBOs and any surplus funds collected on merchandise sales will go directly to charity as donations. The DMBOs shall submit a cost report to Lucasfilm Ltd. upon request.
        6. All financial records of charitable donations shall be reported to the Detachment Charity Representatives (DCRs).
        7. Members shall not create promotional items, included but not limited to photographs, videos, slideshows, GIFS and memes that represent Defenders Detachment which include any copyrighted materials, such as music, fonts, designs, images, sounds and phrases unless licensing has been obtained by or is possessed by the member, or which has been specifically authorized by Defenders Detachment and/or Lucasfilm Ltd.
      1. General
        1. Members shall be respectful and not misleading in all Defenders Detachment communications and within initial personal information questionnaires.
        2. While taking part in Defenders Detachment events and activities, members shall comply with applicable laws.
        3. Defenders Detachment has a zero-tolerance policy on bullying, harassment, violence and threats of violence against its members. Members shall not harass or mistreat fellow members. Members are encouraged to bring forth any concerns regarding criminal or inappropriate conduct to the Detachment Captain of the Guards (DCOGs), Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) or to the Detachment Executive Officer (DXO) who are tasked with intercession and who may also be able to intercede during instances involving persons outside of Defenders Detachment.
        4. Information regarding illegal or inappropriate activity regarding members of Defenders Detachment are subject to review by the DCO and may lead to membership revocation.
        5. Instances of improper conduct towards staff or persons affiliated with Lucasfilm Ltd. or The Walt Disney Company may lead to a review by the DCO and may lead to membership revocation.
        6. Members shall not participate in political, religious or protestation gatherings or make related statements or gestures while representing Defenders Detachment in or out of costume or while displaying Defenders Detachment merchandise.
        7. Members shall not contact staff at Lucasfilm Ltd. or The Walt Disney Company on behalf of Defenders Detachment or regarding its activities without authorization from the DCO.
        8. Members are encouraged to report concerns about behavior of members of DCOGs, DCO or to the DXO. Members shall not take intermediary steps during behavior incidents without permission from the DCOGs, DCO or to the DXO unless actions are immediately necessary, such as during an
        event where safety, professionalism and quality of an event must be preserved.
        9. Members shall not form detachments or internal organizations within Defenders Detachment without the authorization of the DCO.
      2. Professionalism
        1. Members shall conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner towards fellow members, persons, premises and property while representing Defenders Detachment in and out of costume, in support roles and while wearing or displaying Defenders Detachment merchandise.
        2. Members shall act responsibly regarding use of legal substances that impact mobility, speech and odor while participating in events with consideration of the reputation of Defenders Detachment and the Star Wars characters portrayed.
        3. Members shall not participate in events while under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or illegal substances and shall not use or consume alcohol, marijuana or illegal substances while participating in events.
        4. Members shall maintain a socially acceptable standard of personal hygiene while representing Defenders Detachment.
        5. Members shall be considerate of the close proximity of event guests and fellow members and limit use of perfumes and colognes during events.
        6. Members shall not use tobacco products in view of guests while participating in Defenders Detachment events and shall respect venue rules regarding prohibition of and/or designated areas for smoking or vaping.
      3. Event Safety
        1. The safety, health and well-being of members of Defenders Detachment are of the highest importance. Members are encouraged to participate at events with regard for their own safety and personal needs and to take breaks as needed, stop when needed, ask for assistance when needed and maneuver at venues at a safety level comfortable for them.
        2. Members are fully authorized to terminate an event if conditions appear to be unsafe or uncomfortable, whether due to the physical environment or conduct of event guests or hosts, etc.
        3. Members are entitled to request law enforcement, medical assistance, security aid or other authority at any time deemed appropriate while participating in an event.
        4. Members who carry and display lightsabers, props and prop weapons must interact with event guests and fellow costumers with regard to the safety of persons and property.
        5. Members wearing costumes, carrying equipment and moving amongst guests and fellow costumers must do so with regard to the safety of persons and property.
      4. Props, Prop Weapons and Poses
        1. Members shall respect directives posted in event details regarding display of lightsabers, props and prop weapons.
        2. Members who carry and display lightsabers, props and prop weapons must interact with event guests and fellow costumers with regard to the safety of persons and property.
        3. While representing Defenders Detachment, members shall not engage in lightsaber or prop weapon choreography demonstrations or swing or handle any lightsabers, props or prop weapons in a manner depicting combat in crowded or confined areas. When posing their lightsabers, props or prop weapons for combat scenes during photography, members must handle their lightsabers, props or prop weapons with regard to the safety of other persons and property at all times.
        4. Members may safely display "force" movements, gestures and reactions during photography and for entertainment purposes.
        5. If an event involves a skit or other controlled costume display or activity, such as at a sporting event half-time, members may safely display lightsabers as part of the performance but shall not engage in lightsaber dueling or striking apart from slow, controlled pressing of blades against blades as part of the choreographed performance. Actions involving prop blasters shall not be part of any performance. Pikes or staffs may be displayed if costumers are clearly posing apart from the main action depicting "spectators" and shall limit waving of pikes and staffs to vertical lifts when safely away from other participants. "Force" movements are allowed during these types of displays.
      5. Event Logistics
        1. No form of payment in exchange for event appearances is allowed and costumed appearances cannot be sold for profit.
        2. Charitable contributions may be made by event hosts in gratitude for Defenders Detachment support, but are not required. Any and all proceeds from appearances must go to a charity.
        3. Lucasfilm Ltd. allows costumed appearances at small, community-level charitable events, but ask that advertising of those events not include any use of the Star Wars trademark logo or official imagery. If the character appearance is to be advertised, it must be clear that the characters are represented by the Defenders Detachment and not appointed by Disney and/or Lucasfilm Ltd.
        4. Members shall respect venue parking restrictions and shall not request special parking accommodations or privileges. Members may accept offers to park without fee when offered by authorized agents of the venue or event.
        5. Members shall respect copyright laws in regards to public displays of Star Wars music, films or programs while representing Defenders Detachment.
        6. Members may respectfully receive items such as food, snacks and beverages when offered by event hosts and when offers are extended to all members, helpers and member guests present. Members may also receive souvenirs of low monetary value (such as posters, stickers, etc.) when offered by event hosts and only when all present members, helpers and guests are equally included and when said souvenirs are otherwise available to other guests of the event. Members shall not make requests for any such items.
        7. Events which involve a table, booth or display representing Defenders Detachment requires a member to be present at all times during operation hours of the event.
        8. Members shall remain in character and keep costume elements (such as helmets, masks, gloves, etc.) in place while in view of event guests as much as possible, with safety and health needs taking precedence at all times.
        9. If an event involves a booth or display area, only Defenders Detachment and/or Star Wars banners, posters or flags and appropriate props are to be displayed. Exceptions may be made during events involving fundraising or specific causes.
        10. Unless otherwise indicated in event details, only one unique character shall be present at an event. For example, if a costumer has signed up as Princess Leia, no other members shall sign up with another variant of Princess Leia.
        11. Members are permitted to sign up for events on behalf of other members.
        12. Signing up for events shall be done on a first-come, first-served basis. Members who costume the same unique character as other members are encouraged to take turns appearing at events or to share events by splitting appearance times and to coordinate these appearances with each other. A rotation policy may be implemented by the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) if needed.
        13. If an event occurs at a venue normally utilized for specific religious, business, political or other purposes, members representing Defenders Detachment shall support the event and cause as members of Defenders Detachment and shall not show support or opposition for any specific religious, political or other agenda.
        14. Specific event guidelines set forth by Lucasfilm Ltd. and Defenders Detachment shall be followed, as well as specific limitations set forth by event hosts. Special requests made by event hosts that are within Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines and these bylaws can be considered but are at the discretion and choice of the participating member(s).
        15. It is understood that members may be responsible for entry fees, parking fees and other costs while participating in Defenders Detachment events, though event hosts may offer compensation or provisions for costs.
      6. Event Changing Areas
        1. Members are expected to be respectful of the safety of themselves and their fellow members and not leave trip hazards in walkways in the changing areas.
        2. Members are expected to be respectful of their fellow members' costumes and other property and not be careless with food or beverages in the changing areas, and are expected to respect the property and needs of fellow members.
        3. Guests of members may accompany members in the changing areas but may be required to wait in other areas if there are space limitations or privacy needs.
        4. Members shall ensure their minor child or adult guests do not interfere with the needs of costumers in the changing areas and shall immediately remove guests who are engaging in horseplay.
        5. Members shall not bare bosoms, bare rear ends, bare pelvic regions, full nudity or undergarments in front of other persons in the changing areas. Compression shorts, compression pants, tank tops and sports bras are not considered undergarments when these items are designed to be worn without coverage by other clothing. (Instances of family members or friends who are accustomed to fuller states of undress with each other and without other persons present are excluded from this restriction.)
        6. Members shall not bring minor children into the changing areas while other members are changing and are bare-chested, wearing only compression shorts or compression pants, wearing only sports bras or other similar levels of clothing and are expected to escort minor children out of the changing areas to maintain propriety and to respect the dignity of their fellow
      7. Event Planning
        1. Any requests for appearances and/or charitable events from event hosts shall be submitted through the Defenders Detachment website.
        2. All events shall be posted in the Defenders Detachment forum to make opportunities available to all members.
        3. Members are encouraged to plan and coordinate events for Defenders Detachment with consideration to Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines and Defenders Detachment bylaws and must be authorized by the designated Detachment Event Coordinator (DEC) prior to taking place.
        a. Members shall inform the DEC of plans in progress as soon as reasonably possible.
        b. The Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) may cancel events or impose restrictions upon events at any time.
        c. Members are encouraged to plan events which offer opportunities for all fellow members.
        d. Members encountering specific requests from hosts shall inform hosts that participation and activities are contingent upon the choice and availability of the individual members.
        e. When planning events, members may inquire with the host about event logistics and about charitable aspects of the event but shall not require any donations be made or suggest an increase in donations. Charitable organizations may be suggested if the host inquires but hosts shall not be pressed to choose any particular organization. It is appropriate to suggest to event hosts that they mention their donations are related to Defenders Detachment's support of their event. Any donations and/or compensations made shall be made directly to a specified charity, or collected on that charity's behalf as directed and authorized by Defenders
        Detachment administrators.
        f. No member shall directly receive any form of compensation for their appearance.
        g. Members of Defenders Detachment shall not make requests of, place demands on, place requirements on or make attempts to bargain with an event host in exchange for a Defenders Detachment appearance, a specific character appearance or promise of specific character activity and shall not hint or threaten to withhold specific characters as part of a bargain.
        h. Members are encouraged to direct questions regarding event details to the DEC to ensure adherence to Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines and Defenders Detachment bylaws.
        i. Members are encouraged to assist other members in matters of event planning and shall communicate updates to fellow members when doing so. Any member's involvement in event planning or host contact shall be in an effort to assist and not an interference.
        j. Members may coordinate events by communicating with other members for interest and availability with consideration of giving equal participation opportunities for all members.
        k. Members shall not use events as a platform to promote religious, political, legal or other private agendas.
        l. Members shall use reasonable common sense regarding event locations and activities with respect to copyright of Star Wars and as good stewards for Defenders Detachment and shall refer to the Detachment Event Coordinator (DEC), Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) or Detachment Executive Officer (DXO) in instances of questionable logistics.
      8. Lucasfilm Ltd. Guidelines and Member Restrictions
        1. Communication with Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or the Walt Disney Company on behalf of Defenders Detachment is restricted to the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO), the Detachment Executive Officer (DXO) and other members specifically authorized by either the DCO or DXO. Members of Defenders Detachment are prohibited to contact Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or the Walt Disney Company directly on behalf of Defenders Detachment unless specifically authorized.
        2. Defenders Detachment respects and operates within guidelines set forth by Lucasfilm Ltd. These guidelines are subject to change by Lucasfilm Ltd., and the information shall be maintained and updated by the DCO and made available to the members.
        3. Members shall familiarize themselves with Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines as shared by Defenders Detachment and not rely solely on experience with outside organizations for such information and are encouraged to contact the DCO, DXO, DCOGs or the Detachment Event Coordinator (DEC) with any questions they may have.
        4. Defenders Detachment is responsible for planning of events with respect to Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines. If Defenders Detachment is supporting a cooperative event being organized by another organization, it is the responsibility of that organization to ensure planning is within Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines. Defenders members shall make their best effort to participate at cooperative events with respect to these bylaws and Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines, and are authorized to terminate their involvement in cooperative events at their discretion.
      9. Guests of Members
        1. Defenders Detachment recognizes members may enjoy bringing minor children and other guests to events but encourage members to weigh the success of the event and the experience of their fellow members while considering inviting guests. If minors require a great deal of supervision which may take the costumed member away from the appearance and success of the event, another adult guest shall accompany the member to supervise the minor guest.
        2. Unless otherwise indicated in event details, members may bring accompanying minors and/or adults as guests to events with permission of the Detachment Event Coordinator (DEC). Members shall assume full responsibility for their guests and are responsible for informing guests that they shall conduct themselves according to event guidelines, Defenders Detachment bylaws and applicable laws.
        3. Members are encouraged to inquire with the DEC about accommodations for their guests but shall not bring guests for the sole purpose of gaining free admission or perks for their guests without authorization.
        4. It is understood that guests of members may be responsible for entry fees, parking fees and other costs while participating in Defenders Detachment events.
        5. For specific information regarding costumed guests, refer to section N., 2., "Costumed Guests of Members."
      10. Cooperative Events
        1. Members are encouraged to express any concerns regarding outside individual costumers or outside costume organizations and/or their practices to the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO), Detachment Executive Officer (DXO) or Detachment Captain of the Guards (DCOGs). All cooperative event invitations shall be reviewed or extended with regard to such information.
        2. Defenders Detachment may accept cooperative event invitations from outside costume organizations. The DCO reserves the right to decline or cancel an accepted invitation at any time with cause.
        3. If Defenders Detachment is planning a cooperative event, Defenders Detachment is responsible for planning with respect to Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines. If Defenders Detachment is supporting a cooperative event being organized by another organization, it is the responsibility of that organization to ensure planning is within Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines. Defenders Detachment members shall make their best effort to participate at cooperative events with respect to these bylaws and Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines, and are authorized to terminate their involvement in cooperative events at their discretion.
        4. Defenders Detachment may restrict joint event signup availability in an effort to avoid duplicate characters at events. The inviting organization is given character signup priority.
        5. Defenders Detachment may extend invitations to other costuming organizations but the DCO reserves the right to rescind invitations extended at any time with just cause. The DCO may place restrictions on invitations extended in an effort to avoid duplicate characters at events and when otherwise necessary. Defenders Detachment shall be given character signup priority during these events.
        6. Members of Defenders Detachment shall not appear uninvited at an event sponsored by another costume organization with the intention of participating in the event as a costumer or helper.
        7. Members of Defenders Detachment shall not organize or attempt to organize events if the member has prior knowledge that the event is being hosted or organized by another costuming organization without authorization or unless the event host has initiated the contact with the member and expressed they intend to invite multiple costuming organizations individually.
        8. Defenders Detachment reserves the right to decline invitations from person(s) and/or their affiliated organization who are known to be disrespectful to any member or members, known to cause disharmony in society or within other organizations or known to be dishonest.
      11. Fundraising
        1. Defenders Detachment may support events being hosted by another costume organization but shall not collect monetary donations for that organization at the event unless authorized to do so.
        2. If Defenders Detachment receives information regarding any improprieties involving charitable fundraising by another costume or charitable organization, Defenders Detachment will cancel or decline an invitation involving that organization until the impropriety is resolved and may decline future invitations with just cause.
        3. Members may receive donations of toys, stickers, reading materials and other items that are related to Star Wars, The Walt Disney Company or their affiliates or are generic for the sole purpose of distributing to guests at events, hospital visits, etc. Members shall only acquire such items on a gratuitous level and if said items are otherwise available to any person by gratis and with a clear agreement regarding return or donation of surplus. Members are encouraged to inquire with the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) regarding branding conflicts.
        4. The DCO reserves the right to specify charity or charities who shall benefit from fundraising efforts and deny specific charities from benefitting when appropriate.
      12. Forums and Social Media
        1. The terms "forum" and "forums" used in this article refer to private website discussion forums, as well as private member internet discussion sites and group messaging, which may operate within social media sites. Social media refers to publicly-accessible internet sites.
        2. Forums designated for Defenders Detachment shall be focused on camaraderie, organizing events and activities, Star Wars news without "spoilers", merchandise, costuming and other matters related to Defenders Detachment. Defenders Detachment values the discussion environments very highly and strives to ensure members feel welcomed and appreciated.
        3. Members shall utilize forums with regard to the Defenders Detachment bylaws.
        4. The Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) may appoint members as moderators of forums and/or social media sites and authorize those moderators to remove content within both private and public sites that deviates from these bylaws.
        5. Forum content shall be appropriate to all audiences (family appropriate) and shall not include profanity, lewd statements, nudity, sexualized content, discriminatory content, prejudicial content, sexist content or content commonly considered offensive or derogatory.
        6. Members shall communicate within forums in a respectful and nonmisleading manner and protect the organization by keeping personal disagreements out of the forums. Personal attacks, bullying, ridicule and harassment within forums will not be tolerated.
        7. Members are encouraged to bring any concerns regarding forum activity or conduct to the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO), Detachment Executive Officer (DXO) or the Detachment Captain of the Guard(s) (DCOGs) and are authorized and encouraged to communicate concerns through a fellow member advocate if they so choose.
        8. Members shall not create any web presences, including but not limited to social media pages, YouTube channels and websites which are related to Defenders Detachment without authorization from the DCO.
        9. Members shall not use the Defenders Detachment forums to promote religious, political, legal or other private agendas. Personal endeavors, such as coordinating support for events personal to members, sharing news relating to needs of fellow members, etc. are encouraged.
        10. Members shall not post event invitations in Defenders Detachment forums or social media sites without an invitation from an authorized agent of the inviting organization and authorization from the DCO or authorized member of staff.
      13. Information Dissemination
        1. Members shall not share other members' personal information without permission.
        2. In the interest of protecting Defenders Detachment, members are expected to be responsible regarding sharing plans of events with members of other costume organizations in order to safeguard activities from interference or sabotage.
      14. Costuming
        1. General
        a. Members are required to keep their costumes in good condition and to keep them clean and presentable.
        b. Members may attend events wearing costumes that are in-progress or pending approval with permission of the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO). (A total maximum of these "trial runs"
        is three unless otherwise authorized.)
        c. Members may wear borrowed costumes that fit properly and adhere to standards with notification to the DCO.
        d. Members may loan their costumes to other members if they fit properly and adhere to standards with notification to the DCO.
        e. Members may utilize the private discussion forum(s) to assist each other and post notices for items needed or available and shall act according to these policies and procedures during those actions. Defenders Detachment does not endorse or oversee the creation or
        sale of costumes, costume parts or props.
        f. The DCO may develop a system for and appoint members of staff to process costume submissions at the discretion of the DCO.
        2. Costumed Guests of Members
        a. Potential members may attend events handling droids that adhere to standards or in costumes that are in-progress or on loan from members that fit properly and adhere to standards if the potential member is considering purchasing the same or similar costume or is hoping to gain perspective about volunteering with the Defenders Detachment with permission of the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO). (A total maximum of these "trial runs" is set at three unless otherwise authorized.)
        b. Members are advised that they are responsible for their guests, costumed or otherwise, and are expected to ensure their guests adhere to the bylaws, mission and policies of Defenders Detachment and conduct themselves according to applicable laws.
        c. Members shall not bring adult guests in costume or who are handling droids who are not already taking part in the membership process. Limited exceptions may apply.
        d. Members may bring their minor children in costume to events if authorized by the event host and Defenders Detachment.
        e. Minor children of members who appear to be adults may be restricted from costuming if their costumes do not meet set forth requirements and standards as listed in Article IV., A., 1.
        f. Minor children in costume and costumed adult guests may not take a spot at an event with a limited number of characters if Defender Detachment members wish to take the spot, but may fill them if there are no other signups.
      1. Violations
        1. The Detachment Captain of the Guards (DCOGs) are tasked with collectively reviewing complaints or concerns involving member behavior, matters of misconduct or activities deviating from Defenders Detachment bylaws or ethics. Such matters may be brought to their attention by Detachment officials, Detachment members, outside sources or may be personally observed by the DCOGs. In all instances where DCOGs are aware of such matters, DCOGs must take action.
        2. Incidents shall be reviewed collectively by the appointed DCOGs. All incidents known and/or being reviewed by the DCOGs shall be reported to the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) by the Lead Captain of the Guard.
        3. If incidents are found by the DCOGs to be substantiated as violations, the Lead Captain of the Guard will impose sanctions according to the following criteria:
        a. First offense: Verbal warning.
        b. Second offense: Written warning and suspension from merchandise purchases for a period of four months.
        c. Third offense: Suspension from ALL Detachment activities for a period of twelve months or removal from Defenders Detachment if recommended by DCOGs and/or the DCO.
        4. If violations are found to be immoral or criminal, the DCO reserves the right to immediately remove members from the Defenders Detachment.
        5. If the DCOGs are unable to directly handle an incident or complaint, the Lead Captain of the Guard shall inform the DCO who is tasked with making final decisions on disciplinary matters.
        6. Any findings of misconduct shall be reported to Lucasfilm Ltd. by the DCO and, in instances where discipline matters cannot be directly handled by the Defenders Detachment due to the severity, such incidents shall be reported to Lucasfilm Ltd.
        7. Officials of Defenders Detachment may find it necessary or appropriate to forward complaints of conduct to appropriate outside agencies.
      2. Appeal Process
        1. Any member who is found to have committed a violation and wishes to appeal this finding shall contact the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) and the Detachment Executive Officer (DXO). The DCO and the DXO will collectively review the findings of the Detachment Captain of the Guards (DCOGs), considering the totality of the circumstances. The DCO will consider the DXO's recommendations and make the final decision whether to uphold the imposed disciplinary action. The member will be notified in writing of the outcome of the appeal.
      Approved by Detachment Commanding Officer June 23, 2023